Back to School 2022: Keeping the Arts Alive with After-School Dance Programs

How After-School Dance Programs Help Promote Arts Education

child going to after school dance programIn this article, QC Dance Studio takes a deep dive into the importance of arts education for children heading back to school in 2022. We’ll cover:

As summer fades away into fall, parents begin the all-too-familiar process of preparing their children to head back to school. With many North Carolina schools facing destabilizing budget cuts, typically the first programs in line to “face the music” are those in arts education.

Learning the arts is an essential part of becoming a well-rounded individual. Parents now more than ever need to ensure their youngsters are receiving a well-balanced education that prepares them for real world experiences.

The Current Arts Education Landscape

charlotte mecklenburg schools budget meeting 2022The most recent budget proposal for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools is less than half of what the district requested from the county — a trend that has sadly been at the heart of poor third-grade reading scores and high school math scores for years.

Not only are mathematics, science, and language arts courses feeling the strain of budget cuts, but arts programs throughout the district are likely to face dire consequences as well. As budget changes take effect in the 2022-2023 school year, parents now more than ever need to help provide the opportunity for their children to engage in arts education.

Why Arts Education is Important

Art is the very expression of the human experience, and in this way, it adds context and perspective to every other form of education. Dancers and musicians learn that music is mathematical in nature by keeping time with the rhythm. They also discover the laws of physics and further their understanding of the sciences as they leap through the air, tumble, and explore the limitations of their physical form. Music also helps students strengthen their understanding of language, especially as it relates to the power of words to move the soul.

Benefits of After-School Dance Programs for Children

benefits to after school dance programsIn addition to the educational benefits of after-school dance programs, here are some other reasons why parents may want to consider enrolling their children before heading back to school this fall:

  • Empathy: Dance is an art form that brings about some of the most extreme emotional experiences in a safe and productive way. Through furthering their dance education, children are able to grow into more empathetic adults.
  • Mindfulness: Learning to dance can be an excellent source of stress relief as it requires one to be fully present in the current moment. After-school dance programs help encourage this type of mindfulness and stability in students.
  • Experiences: Being a part of an after-school dance program can eventually lead to unique experiences and opportunities, such as participating in dance competitions or choosing to join a dance company.
  • Confidence: One of the greatest ways parents can help their children develop stronger self-esteem is by introducing them to a healthy, active lifestyle through dance early on in their developmental years.

Register Your Child at QC Dance Studio

While school systems everywhere may be cutting the funding for education in the arts, parents recognize the need for this critical, emotionally-empowering element in their child’s developmental journey. One of the best ways for parents to take action is by enrolling their child in an after-school dance program for the 2022-2023 academic year. QC Dance Studio offers plenty of after-school dance programs suitable for any age, style, or skill level. Contact us online to discuss your options or register through our online portal today!

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